Fan Fiction, Here's the Thing

I write fan fiction. I'm not ashamed of that fact, but I am a little cautious of who I let know about it. People who aren't heavily invested in fandoms simply don't understand what you can get out of it, thinking all fan fic is just self-insert smut (I'm not saying that some of it isn't, we've all seen those stories), or geeks huddling over their computers in an attempt to be the next George Lucas or Joss Whedon. But I don't think this is the case, not all of the time anyway.
I don't write fan fiction because I think it's going to take me places in the comics/movies/TV world, I do it because it's a fun. I am actually writing all of the time anyway, because that is what I want to do with my life, but my approach to fan fic is a lot different. While I pour over every word and every sentence of my 'work' writing until it is absolutely perfect, I tend to be a lot quicker with my fan fiction. It's not that I don't put any effort in, because I do, but for me, fan fiction is an easy way to get into a creative mindset and get back into the swing of putting words down on a page. The characters are already there, fleshed out and full to the brim with idiosyncrasies that you already know and understand. You know what's 'in-character' without having to develop what that is for your individual hero/villain. The time you've invested in the fandom invests in you so you come to the page perfectly primed to tell a story.
Of course, the best fan fiction authors develop their own sides to the characters, but we all have the same base point to start from, giving a leg up to those who want to write but might balk at the idea of creating several fully-formed characters out of nothing.
While some lucky people might be able to turn their fan fiction endeavours into careers writing for Marvel, DC, Fox or anywhere else, for most of us, it's not the obvious start of a career path, but it has worth all the same. It inspires creativity and allows people to stretch their writing wings. It makes them part of a community of like-minded people and gives them critiques that can help far beyond the realm of fan fiction. It might not be the coolest hobby on earth, but it gives back as much as you put in.
You can find my fan fiction here.



Zoe. 23. Writer. Educator. Reader. Ravenclaw. X-Man. Tribute. Arkham Inmate. I like to dream, create and make lists.

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