'Wit beyond measure, is man's greatest treasure.'

I have an obsession with knowledge.  Ignorance (at least that which can easily be remedied), is my biggest pet peeve and I simply can't leave a mistake uncorrected.  I'm sure this fascination developed from a bookish childhood and slightly obsessive personality but whatever the cause, knowledge is one of those things I will just always hold in high regard.

I'm sure my best friend finds me highly frustrating when she starts a conversation about some film or another and I instantly rattle off about twenty trivia points before confessing that I haven't actually seen the movie in question. It's an old habit - I hear the title of a book or movie, or an expression I've not come across, and I'm straight on the internet devouring every morsel of information I can get my hands on.  

Books with footnotes make me giddy and in my teen years, the Cambridge edition school Shakespeares with a page-for-page glossary and info section became my favourite thing.  The other day I found it impossible to enjoy lunch in a quaint little tearoom simply because they claimed their smoothies contained three of your five-a-day when that's simply impossible.  No matter how many different fruits go in, a smoothie can only ever count for two portions because of the way the fruit breaks down when it's pulped.

With all of this, you'd have thought that when I finally got sorted on Pottermore, I wouldn't have been surprised to find myself in Ravenclaw. Really, I was shocked beyond belief, having thought I would have got Slytherin. Or maybe Gryffindor.  Hufflepuff at a push.  I never suspected I'd be donning blue and bronze.  Maybe I've still got a bit more to learn.


Zoe. 23. Writer. Educator. Reader. Ravenclaw. X-Man. Tribute. Arkham Inmate. I like to dream, create and make lists.

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