A Year of Reading: 2014

So another year done with, and another pile of books crossed off the never-ending 'to be read' list! I had set myself the challenge of reading 45 books in 2014, but in the end only managed 36, which is 3 less than last year. But I'm not disappointed - I did start a new job and a new degree this year as well as moving house, so I don't think it's too shabby, all things considered! 9,428 pages are still quite a lot, just not as good as the 13,634 of last year!

Perhaps I'm getting better at picking books, but I didn't have any 'waste of time' books this year. I liked some more than others, of course, but there were none that I put down thinking they were completely devoid of redeemable moments. If I had to throw out anything, it would probably be 'Uncommon Women and Others', but even saying that seems unfair because I think as a performed play, it would be so much better.

It was hard to pick favourites this year, but here is my attempt (in no particular order): 'A Far Cry from Kensington' by Muriel Spark, 'The Cuckoo's Calling' by Robert Galbraith, 'The Testament of Mary' by Colm Tóibín, 'The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie' by Muriel Spark, 'Ms Marvel: No Normal' by G. Willow Wilson, 'Our Spoons Came from Woolworths' by Barbara Comyns, 'Tigers in Red Weather' by Lisa Klaussman, 'The Rehearsal' by Eleanor Catton and 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' by Truman Capote.

Book Reviews this Year: 
I have a long summer this year, so here's hoping for lots of reading! I do have quite a few set texts for next (academic) year so maybe I will have to devote a large chunk of that summer to those books!


Zoe. 23. Writer. Educator. Reader. Ravenclaw. X-Man. Tribute. Arkham Inmate. I like to dream, create and make lists.

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